The Royal Château of Amboise (37), France.

Beginning with François I’s reign, while the court generally stayed at Fontainebleau and the Louvre, the sovereign still appreciated Amboise, up to Henri II. The monarch’s stays were more rare from Henri III’s reign. The Court left the Touraine region definitively for Ile-de-France under Henri IV. From that time onwards, the Château d’Amboise was only a simple staging post for the Bourbon Kings. Continue reading

The magnificent city of Trinidad, Cuba.

It’s easy to see why Trinidad has been called “the museum city of Cuba.” The meticulously preserved town offers a window into the past, from its sprawling colonial palaces and plazas to its remnants of sugar mills and slave barracks from another era. Soak up the rich Spanish colonial architecture by taking a stroll through the picturesque cobble stone streets of this very walkable city. Continue reading

Restaurant Lameloise, Chagny (71), France.

The Burgundy earth, anchor of the Maison Lameloise, has been the source of a certain way of life for 90 years. It is here in Chagny that a history of chefs and stars began. Since 1921, there have been three successive generations of Lameloise: Pierre, Jean and Jacques.

A former coach house inn during the 15th century, Continue reading

Some tips if you are invited for dinner in France.

Each country as got his own rules regarding manners and etiquette. I hear sometimes, than the French are arrogant. Let me explain that (most of the time),you are wrong if you believe so.

In every country people appreciate the others to respect their local manners. If you do not understand that, your hosts feel that you are arrogant or uneducated.  Continue reading